A collection of pinoy hobbyist

Pinoy Food Menu

Love cooking? Visit my Pinoy Food Menu to find out some recipes and grab ideas that suit to your taste.

Pinoy Fun Run

Looking for fun while being healthy? Join a friendly race and experience enjoyment rather than competition. Visit my Pinoy Fun Run for more details

Do you know how to cook a Filipino Style Pork Binagooang(Pork Sauted in Shrimp Paste)? Pinoy Food Menu will teach you how and get some tips to improve your cooking skills. Enjoy cooking!

Posted by vangiz | Sunday, June 6, 2010 | 0 comments

After the photo walk with D3krew, we stayed at Krispy Kreme Bonifacio High Street. During our deep conversation, we saw these large breed dogs called "Alaskan Malamute". We asked the dog owner if it's okay to take some pictures with them and they said it's okay. So we get our cameras and position in front of them captured some shots. in return a favor, the owner requested to post their pictures through web. So here they are!

The Alaskan Malamute is a generally large breed of domestic dog (Canis lupus familiaris) originally bred for use as an Alaskan sled dog. It is sometimes mistaken for a Siberian Husky, but in fact is quite different in many ways.

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