A collection of pinoy hobbyist

Pinoy Food Menu

Love cooking? Visit my Pinoy Food Menu to find out some recipes and grab ideas that suit to your taste.

Pinoy Fun Run

Looking for fun while being healthy? Join a friendly race and experience enjoyment rather than competition. Visit my Pinoy Fun Run for more details

Do you know how to cook a Filipino Style Pork Binagooang(Pork Sauted in Shrimp Paste)? Pinoy Food Menu will teach you how and get some tips to improve your cooking skills. Enjoy cooking!

Posted by vangiz | Saturday, July 17, 2010 | 0 comments

Another successful photoshoot has been made by D3krew at Intramuros Manila. That was last July 03, 2010 around 10 in the morning when one of my co-D3krew members set this Biker’s Theme along Freedom Wall. Together with 2 models and 7 Photographers including me, we were happy although it’s very hot because it was exactly noon time when we finished. Then we decided to have lunch at Max Restaurant and treated the models.

Check out http://www.flickr.com/photos/vangiz/sets/72157624351788077/ and http://www.flickr.com/photos/vangiz/sets/72157624476322446/ to view full album.

After that, we went to SM Megamall at Megatrade Hall 5th floor because of the cosplay. We’re very tired and wasted but we keep on shooting those guys wearing anime costume.

Check out http://www.flickr.com/photos/vangiz/sets/72157624389043021/ to view full album.

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